
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "ad"

Testing domain AD credential with PowerShell one liner

This is a one liner command script to connect to Active Directory and verify user name and password credentials provided. I am using  System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry .net object here to connect to LDAP server (In my case it is Active Directory). When you are connected successful with correct…

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Executing PowerShell script from PHP HTML web server

Recently I was reading some Advanced Python coding books, I was especially fascinated by the Flask module. This project is an outcome of the same, If similar can be achieved with PowerShell and HTML, I wrote some code in HTML, PHP and PowerShell and it is working well after testing. Here in this pro…

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Active Directory User Account Password Expiry Email Notification using PowerShell

While working and setting up a new project from scratch, the Helpdesk team wanted a solution to automatically send alert notification to Users about their Accounts password expiring. The notification email format looks like below once password is near defined days in the PowerShell Script. This Powe…

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Oneliner Powershell How to Add and Remove AD users and Objects in Groups members

This is one-liner simple and small active directory powershell script to add or remove AD groups members from text file or a single user, I have already written another few articles in this regards as you can find below.

Installing, importing and using any module in powershell
Powershell one li…

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Powershell Active Directory 1: Check, enable and disable child OU protect object from accidental deletion

This script can be used to check the OU (Organization Unit) protect object from accidental deletion status. it provides other OU related information for reporting and inventory purpose. Inventory is generated using ActiveDirectory powershell module.

Active Directory Users and Computers, dsa.msc, Ou, Orgnization Unit, Project Object from accidental deletion, Ou object Managed By tab, Ou report, inventory, hierarchy report, Active directory module powershell.png

This report includes parent OU and all it…

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PowerShell GUI: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory

This is a GUI part of my earlier written script PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory. I converted same script to GUI written in WPF language for simplifying task. It requires Source User and Destination users list is loaded from text file. (Text file c…

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PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory

In the past, I received multiple emails asking for a script, subject was copying group membership from one user to another user in AD. I thought of writing a reusable script code and so anyone can and use it. Copy groups membership from one user to another user tasks can be lengthy and takes lots of…

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Powshell GUI Date and Time converter tool

Recently I was working on a setting and automating a small project, this environment had very limited access to internet because of restrictions, Only required external partner websites were accessible. Users were using change management tool, they had to schedule times for change and company were s…

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Powershell Active Directory: List complete hierarchy of upstream nested groups recursively of User

Recently I had seen big mess in one of my client's Active directory environment, AD Groups where keep nested into groups and further, Due to this clients where having hard time to get either exact effective permissions of particular users, and causing users have unnecessary authorization or getting …

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Recently I was involved into new child domain creation in Active Directory, and another major task was migrating existing certain Users, Groups, Computers and other objects from Parent root domain to child domain for management delegation purpose. This Users and other AD objects were part of one of …

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