
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "powershell scripts"

PowerShell Active Directory: Sync group membership from one user to another user and move to OU

Again I received some good feedback from community, This article is just a next update to my existing script PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory, whose purpose is adding groups on member of tab on destination users and not removing anything. Which was…

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PowerShell GUI: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory

This is a GUI part of my earlier written script PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory. I converted same script to GUI written in WPF language for simplifying task. It requires Source User and Destination users list is loaded from text file. (Text file c…

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PowerShell: Copy group membership from one user to another user in Active Directory

In the past, I received multiple emails asking for a script, subject was copying group membership from one user to another user in AD. I thought of writing a reusable script code and so anyone can and use it. Copy groups membership from one user to another user tasks can be lengthy and takes lots of…

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Powershell GUI encode decode images

Recently I was working on the one of my project, In the same I required to add few images to GUI, and needed to encode and decode images in the script so no external file is required to port incase if I want to share and there will be only sole ps1 script. Here in below video not a single external p…

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Powershell WPF Charts dashboard demo

I was preparing for some dashboards using Powershell WPF GUI and was looking for some charts and graph to show on my GUI, I tried utilizing data visualization charts but I was looking for more cooler ways to show them and was looking for interactive ones which can complement my dashboards. To achiev…

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Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step

Part 1: Basic Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step

Theme 2

I found few nice themes online for my Powershell WPF gui scripts, I was looking for simple and nice themes to implement, al…

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Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step

Part 1: Basic Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 2: Powershell WPF Themes guide step by step
Part 3: Powershell wpf MahApps.Metro theme step by step

I have wrote many powershell GUI scripts but never thought using any themes on WPF GUI forms, As it is not required for internal organ…

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Microsoft Powershell: Download a whole folder of files/subfolders from the web directory

One of my friend was seeking my help creating a script to download bulk files and folder from internal office training web portal, just newly created. Folders and files web structure was looking like below. The first url link shows what are the different training material was available, downloading …

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Part 3: Create shorter Microsoft Powershell WPF automated clean script

Currently I am working on rewriting all my VBscript and Powershell GUI script using WPF (Windows presentation platform). When building a graphical xaml forms on Visual studio as shown earlier on Part 1: Create WPF XAML powershell GUI form with Visual studio, I had to remove many elements manually b…

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Microsoft Powershell GUI: Change Internet Options connections Lan settings proxy server grayed out

Powershell winform wpf mix gui, graphical interface, change registry proxy settings hack internet option connections tab enable proxy

One of my friend wanted a small proxy settings hack tool which I created using Powershell script, it is very small tool and helps to change proxy server settings, It can changed when Internet Options >> Connections tab is either missing or Lan settings button is disabled, and you still want to c…

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Find next available free drive letter using PowerShell

Below is my one-liner small PowerShell code for finding next available free unassigned first drive letter, I use it frequently for automating mapping shared drives. This is based on Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem, it shows the all in use drive, Generally A, B (floppy drive not for use as disk or…

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Powershell: Get registry value data from remote computer

Finding and fetching registry value data information using PowerShell is very easy, I found in one of the organization administrators where doing unnecessary changes to the registry to specific settings, for one of the example ie: I had to get information from one of the setting under HKey_Local_M…

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Powershell Trick: Convert text to ASCII art

Powershell text convert to Ascii art demo abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 without online algorithm

As PowerShell has plain command based console if you want to show different font or different bigger font on the same console as output, you will have to use ASCII Text art, I had got a request to write a script to convert any text to ASCII art. Only weirdness in the request I found was, whateve…

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