
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "virtual machines"

Using PowerCLI to Increase VMDK (Virtual disk) in VMware Virtual Machine

Below oneliner commands I recently used to configure multiple VMware Virtual Machines Hard disk, Task was to grow/extend VMDK virtual disk on more than hundreds of the virtual machine. Below is the main techniques and gist of the article and scripts. These one-liner commands also include the command…

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How to convert RDM disk (Raw Device Mapping) to VMDK

In my previous article I shown Adding and sharing RDM disk to multiple VMs in VMware step by step, I received one related task to convert virtual machine RDM (Raw device mapping) hard disk to VMDK disk. Basically I require it to convert because, I was not going to use microsoft clustering anymore, a…

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The top 10 reasons to upgrade to VMware vSphere 6.5

1. Reorganize Administration and Management with a New and modern HTML5-Based User Interface 
Administer and manage the virtual data center with the responsive, easy-to-use new HTML5-based vSphere client interface. Although I am still big fan of vsphere client, As new versions of vsphere will be k…

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Migrating move back from Distributed virtual switch to Standard virtual switch - VMs (Virtual Machine) - Part 3

In my earlier article after moving all VMkernel network adapters from dvswitch to sswitch, In this part I will be migrating Virtual Machine's network adapter from DvSwitch PortGroups to respective Standard vSwtich PortGroup. This is a one of the crucial stage and gather PortGroup Network information…

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VMware hot-extend was invoked with size is not supported: Virtual Machine HDD VMDK

Last day I received some critical tasks on production to increase Virtual Machine Hard disk VMDK size, on around 200 vms. For 99.99% I have my own VMWare PowerCLI scripts repository to automate my tasks to complete it before time. While running script I was getting errors, To further troubleshoot I …

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