
Virtual Geek

Tales from real IT system administrators world and non-production environment

Blog posts : "scripts"

Powershell web scrapping extract table from html

This is small script I use to collect the table data from website to Powershell Object and then further it can be saved to csv file. For this example I am taking table example from I will try to convert table to Powershell Object. HTML tables has tags th (Table header) and …

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Powershell New-Object Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))

I was trying to use PowerShell object InternetExplorer.Application for automation purpose, While running my Powershell scripts on my VMs, I was receiving below error. To troubleshoot further I tested other Microsoft object for example: Excel.Application and Outlook.Application. Still I was recei…

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PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL TLS secure channel.

I face below error frequently whenever try to automate a website running self signed or invalid certificate, Here is my lab vCenter server for demo which is using self signed SSL certificate. This causes my script to fail whenever using Invoke-WebRequest to automate website. You can trust the cer…

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PowerShell Invoke-WebRequest The request was aborted Could not create SSL TLS secure channel

I was testing automating few banking websites to check uptime, Invoke-WebRequest is use to access webiste, using this command I wrote a script to access bank website with PowerShell commands, but while executing scripts it was failing to access web site and showing below error.


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PowerShell Convert MAC address to Link-Local IPv6 address

I received one query on one of the chat group I am part of asking if there is a way to convert MAC physical address to Link-Local IPV6 address using PowerShell, Infact I had worked on the same kind project of migrating from IPv4 to IPv6 and already written it long bank. Lets see what is the formula …

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Powershell WPF Charts dashboard demo

I was preparing for some dashboards using Powershell WPF GUI and was looking for some charts and graph to show on my GUI, I tried utilizing data visualization charts but I was looking for more cooler ways to show them and was looking for interactive ones which can complement my dashboards. To achiev…

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Part 3: Create shorter Microsoft Powershell WPF automated clean script

Currently I am working on rewriting all my VBscript and Powershell GUI script using WPF (Windows presentation platform). When building a graphical xaml forms on Visual studio as shown earlier on Part 1: Create WPF XAML powershell GUI form with Visual studio, I had to remove many elements manually b…

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Microsoft Powershell GUI: Change Internet Options connections Lan settings proxy server grayed out

Powershell winform wpf mix gui, graphical interface, change registry proxy settings hack internet option connections tab enable proxy

One of my friend wanted a small proxy settings hack tool which I created using Powershell script, it is very small tool and helps to change proxy server settings, It can changed when Internet Options >> Connections tab is either missing or Lan settings button is disabled, and you still want to c…

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Part 1: Build your first Microsoft PowerShell DSC pull server

Here in this demo I am writing on how to build and configure basic Powershell DSC http pull server, this is just a simple http server no ssl certificate involved, In my earlier article DSC (DESIRED STATE CONFIGURATION) : DEPLOYING ACTIVE DIRECTORY, where I had explained what is desired state config…

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Find next available free drive letter using PowerShell

Below is my one-liner small PowerShell code for finding next available free unassigned first drive letter, I use it frequently for automating mapping shared drives. This is based on Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem, it shows the all in use drive, Generally A, B (floppy drive not for use as disk or…

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Powershell: Temporary group membership on Windows 2016 Active Directory

This is second part of configuring and architecting AD infrastructure new features. Microsoft has introduced new great feature with Windows Server 2016 Active directory, PAM (Privileged Access Management) Feature, Where user can be added to a group for a particular time. Once that Time to live (TT…

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Microsoft Active directory additional features - AD Recycle Bin Powershell

I recently was involved and architected IT infrastructure for one of the small startup group, I deployed Windows Server 2016 server and architected Active Directory infrastructure, Startup staff's work was involved using heavy use of AD API in their own software, creation and deletion of AD accounts…

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Microsoft PowerShell: Check Windows license activation status

This script is my version of fetching Microsoft windows license status, this is for streamlining environments and making them compliant as per audit standards, I didn't wrote complete script but this is old wine in new bottle. I have improvised it to get more information and made it dynamic to ge…

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Powershell Active Directory: Show treeview of User or Group memberof hierarchy

After going through many testing and successfully streamlining most of the Users and Groups member of in active directory environment using Powershell Active Directory: List complete hierarchy of upstream nested groups recursively of User. I was still facing some of the issues, Earlier script was no…

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I was working on one of my friends requirement for automating scripts, He wanted a safe way to use parameters and configuration values from external file instead of modifying actual script, I tried with CSV as well as cliXML file. but found INI file is simple format as external plain text file to pa…

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